Benchmark Family Services is a private therapeutic foster care agency with locations in Indiana and Kentucky that are committed to providing stable and caring placements for youth in need of out-of-homecare.
Because we are uniquely designed to provide all levels of care for any child in need of a new beginning, we partner with dedicated professionals who specialize in therapeutic treatment and intensive services that help shape the comprehensive support we make ready and available for the child, the family, and our distinctive foster families.
Our services are needs-driven and family-centered and we seek those special foster families that embrace these principles and not only foster the child, but foster hope and healing as well.
What is Therapeutic Foster Care?
Therapeutic foster care is a specialized treatment home that provides a safe and secure environment to a child requiring a higher level of care. The child may have mental, emotional or physical needs that could not be met at home or in a basic foster home that provides a typical level of care.
Our network of foster parents therefore are specialized caregivers who enlist to meet these challenges and invite these children into their own homes. We provide services that fortify their capability and enable our joint efforts to strive together to make a remarkable impact on the life of every child we place.
On-going Training
The success of our mission depends greatly on how well we train and equip our foster parents. We
ensure all training requirements mandated by the state are met and we exceed these requirements with
our agency training to enhance the parents’ ability to provide high quality specialized care our mission
Aside from training in a classroom-type setting, the uniqueness of the challenges demand on-
hands training which will begin when a child is placed in the home. We offer a wealth of resources as
well as daily 24-hour support so that our foster parents are never alone in their decision-making
especially during the formative period of learning the needs of a newly placed child.
Case Management
We recognize therapeutic foster care requires comprehensive case management and intensive support services. Our contact with foster parents is therefore frequent and flexible, and is tailored to meet the needs of the child as well as the partnership of the foster parent.
Coordinated Services
Any intensive supports and wrap-around services needed in our therapeutic homes are coordinated by our team of professionals who will collaborate with the foster parent’s local community licensed professionals to ensure clinical services is regularly available.
Professional Support Staff
Our therapeutic support staff are degreed and licensed, trauma-informed, culturally competent, knowledgeable, resourceful and experienced. They are committed to the unique needs of those children requiring higher levels of care and reliably work side-by-side our foster parents to help them answer the call to a special cause. From beginning to end, we are here to support the children and support our foster families.
If you are interested in learning more about foster care in Indiana and Kentucky, contact Benchmark Family Services, and we would love to tell you even more!